Expert Witness
By way of example, Mr. Miguel has served as an expert to testify as to his opinion as to the applicable standard of care and whether the specific actions of an attorney fall below such standard of care; providing advice and rendering an opinion as to the reasonableness of attorney’s fees and litigation proceedings or for specific legal services; rendering an expert opinion as to the fiduciary duties applicable to attorneys, trustees or other fiduciaries and whether such duties were breached.
Expert witness services include, by way of example, serving as a testifying expert at trial, serving as a consulting expert, assisting with investigation and litigation support; providing expert witness opinions prior to and at trial; evaluating liability prior to suit being filed or in connection with mediation or trial or settlement negotiations; providing a preliminary expert opinion affidavit consistent with A.R.S. § 12-2602.
Mr. Miguel has served as an expert witness for both plaintiffs and defendants. Please contact Mr. Miguel directly to discuss any particular matter. Click here for Curriculum Vitae of Miguel Ferrari.